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Thursday, July 10, 2008


Apparently I didn't read the fine print well enough, but Emery has been disqualified from the Parents Cover Model Contest. I received this email this morning:

We regret to inform you that your child does not qualify as a semi-finalist in the Parents Magazine contest. Per the eligibility section of the official contest rules, children must be at least six (6) months old and not more than six (6) years old as of May 7, 2008. Given the birth date you provided, your child was not at least six (6) months old as of May 7, 2008.

So she missed it by 2 weeks! I didn't turn in the pictures until after May 24th so she was 6 months old when I turned them in! Bummer! Just wish I would have received this email before I stressed about taking the five new pictures they requested. :(


Jennifer said...

oh no, how disappointing! That really stinks.

Christina said...

awww! darn! she is still positively adorable! thanks for sharing pictures!

Gummy Mommy said...

No way... yikes!!!! argh... but she's still the cutest and a winner for your blogging buddies !!!

Shana-Lynn said...

what a bummer, for real. Maybe you can get some pictures prepared for the Gap Casting Call....she is too darn cute to pass that contest up.

Annie said...

Oooohhhh ... that just stinks! I can't believe they didn't "disqualify" her sooner! There's always next year, right?