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Wednesday, September 3, 2008

First day of school

Teagun had his first day of preschool today. It went really well. I realized, though, that I need to be a little more organized in the mornings now to be able to get myself and two kids dressed, fed and out the door on time. Not used to that! But we made it and he was really excited and did great getting dropped off (me too!) and said he had a lot of fun.

Here is a picture I took real quick with my point-n-shoot this morning as we were headed out the door. He was not happy I was making him stop to take a picture!



Jennifer said...

Glad he had a good first day. He is getting so big!

Gummy Mommy said...

pre-school already! omg.. someone is making us look like a bunch of ol'ladies!!! :)
What a cute "but maaaa" moment!!!
I must repeat myself.. I love Ts shirts!! he's oh-so-stylish!!

Miller Mommy said...

WOW! Preschool?? Glad that you did ok with drop-off...
Teeghun starts pre-school in (or around) October...I cannot believe that he is old enough for this already!!!

Jenn said...

Wow, preschool already? What a big boy! I hope Teagun has a blast, and I'm sure Emery will love having Mom to herself for a little bit, right? How many days a week is he going?