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Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day!

I just wanted to give a little shout out to my wonderful husband this Father's Day! I couldn't ask for a better daddy for our kids and he does so much for us! In fact, today he is spending HIS day re-tiling (yes, I said RE-tiling...that's going to have to be a new post all on it's own) our kitchen.

Also, Happy Father's Day to any dad blog readers I have - I hope you enjoy your day!

Here are just a couple snapshots of the cute t-shirts I got for the kids to celebrate Father's Day. We are planning a little BBQ this evening and I am hoping to get some pictures of Trevor with the kids.




Jami said...

Love the shirts!

Jennifer said...

Hope you guys had a Happy Father's Day. Those shirts are great!!!

Anonymous said...

awww... lucky daddy!

Left you something ;)