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Wednesday, October 1, 2008


A total snapshot, but I just love it. A glimpse of our afternoon. Pretty much everyday when Emery wakes up from her nap Teagun asks me if he can go in and play with her. I can hear them laughing and giggling in there and then Teagun comes out and asks if he can get in bed with Emery. Emery stands there hanging on the edge jumping up and down while Teagun jumps from one side of the crib to the other. Just love how I captured her actually holding still looking at me and caught Teagun in the middle of a jump.



Jami said...

what a great moment to capture! Zack loves getting into the crib with Addison too.

Tami said...

Sooooooooo cute!

Janice said...

These are the kind of moments that I will remember about the kids. It's so fun that they can play with each other now!

BTW, Emery's recent photos look amazing, as always. Congrats on the new toy!!!!!!!!!

Jennifer said...

Too cute!!

About Me said...

I could have written than word for word except ours occurs in the morning instead. Cute!!

Sheena said...

Ha! Ha! Ha! Sooo cute!