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Monday, September 29, 2008

Dress Up

So after the poop incident when trying to take some 10 month pictures of Emery, I decided to try again that afternoon and dress her up a little for them. Teagun had gotten a pair of Uggs when he was born and for some reason they never looked very boyish to me, so he never wore them. When I had Emery though, I pulled them out of storage and she finally fits in them. They are soooo cute! So here are a few more 10 month pictures of Emery.


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I was feeling black and white for these pictures, but thought I would throw this last one in color also so you can see the little boots better! :)



Jami said...

love the outfit!! she is too cute!

Jennifer said...

Those boots are ADORABLE!!!

Jenn said...

Those Uggs are adorable! What a stylish girl!

Miller Mommy said...

Love the boots! She is just too darn cute!!