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Tuesday, September 16, 2008

10 on Tuesday

Well, today it is really just going to be 10 snapshots on Tuesday. I carry my little point & shoot camera with me all the time and I downloaded the pictures last night, so thought I would share some of what has been going on/what we have been up to lately.

1. Teagun got stung for the first time a couple weeks ago. He did really well when it happened, we put some ice on it and he fell asleep. When he woke up, though, it could have possibly been the end of the world! :)

2. Remember my "Moody" post last week. Well, this was taken the very next school day. Woke up silly as could be. He just likes to keep me on my toes apparently. But his hair was cracking me up. We finally went and got it cut this weekend.

3. be a little boy!

4. We went boating with our friends, Holli and Jason, last weekend. Teagun LOVES to tube. We really need to buy a boat...

5. We went to the fair this weekend. Teagun is now to the age where he notices the rides first thing and that is all he talks about the whole time ("When are we going to the rides?").

6. Who needs dolls?!?!

7. We walked to the park this weekend and let Teagun drive his Power Wheels there. On the way home, Trevor put Emery in with him. It was so dang cute. Teagun kept looking at her and laughing and she just kept her arm propped up on the window sill acting like it was no big deal. She also liked playing with the radio buttons. I'm sure this is just a glimpse of what it will look like in 13 years!

8. I got a new "toy". I am so excited! I used it at a session this weekend and just love it! I have a new lens on the way too - can't wait!

*the next two pictures were taken with my new camera

9. My busy body (you can't see it, but I have my foot on her to stop her from rolling over and crawling away...probably why she is giving me her scruntched-up nose look). We are in teething hell right now. I don't remember Teagun being really affected by teething. Emery on the other hand...

10. And a picture of our "first baby".


Jami said...

I love these! The peeing pic is priceless!! These are so cute in the truck together.

Miller Mommy said...

Love the update!!! Thanks!! Great pictures!!!

Anonymous said...

Fun post!!! Hey, what lens are you getting for your new D700?

Miller Mommy said...

By the way I LOVE the picture of Teagun "being a boy" :) OH MAN! That is great!!

Kimberly said...

The peeing pic cracked me up! Unfortunately, Sophie tries that outside too! And wow is that picture of Emery in the grass is AWESOME!

Jessica said...

OMG..that picture of Teagun peeing is HILLARIOUS!!! Ha!!! :)

Gummy Mommy said...

Ha.. love the foot on the baby idea.. !!
Gorgeous pics.. as always!! Congrats on the new toy!!

Kim said...

I love all of the pictures!!! Especially the one of Teagun peeing, that is priceless!!!

Annie said...

This was such a sweet glimpse into your little life! I loved it. That picture of Teagun peeing totally cracked me up - And I adore the one of him and Emery in the Power Wheels. You're so right about the 13 years thing!

Annie said...

LOVE the peeing photo...classic!