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Monday, July 14, 2008

Week 16 and 17

My Kids and I

Playing catch-up! These snapshots were all just taken with my p&s camera.

Two pictures taken one right after the other - do you see that look in his eyes in that first picture??? You can just see the wheels

week 16

week 17


Jennifer said...

That first one is too funny and that second one is such a great shot of the two of you.

Anonymous said...

You two are *adorable*! And I always forget - until seeing your lake pics right now - how much WA looks like AK *sigh* gotta love the great outdoors... and good for you - wakeboarding! :D

Brianne said...

OMG, I LOVE that picture of you and Emery!!! You look so much alike! And wow, Teagun is getting so big! What a perfect little family!

Miller Mommy said...

LOVE the picture of you and Emery!! Now, look how ornery Teagun is!! Man alive you can see it happening even before it takes place!!!

Jami said...

LOL at Teagun! I love the picture of you and Emery. It looks like such a beautiful lake!

Anonymous said...

These are super adorable, Jaidean!