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Monday, July 14, 2008

The River

Our friends, Tracy and Ryan, invited us up to their river cabin this weekend to hang out and go boating. Teagun LOVED it to say the least. He had so much fun playing with Kai and Kaylee, swimming, and tubing for the first time. They even talked me into wakeboarding and I finally got up for the first time! But then totally face-planted shortly after. Now I feel like I am suffering from some serious whip-lash...I am too old for that apparently! :)
Trevor and the kids got me a new point-and-shoot camera for my birthday a couple weeks ago (30 - yikes!) that is soooo tiny and I can just put it in my purse or pocket for these kind of circumstances. I am in love with it though. I just had it in my pocket, took it out, and took some pictures while holding Emery. So much easier than my big camera! So these were all taken with me "new" camera.


She loves her cheese puffs!





Miller Mommy said...

What kind of P&S camera did you get? I am always looking for one that takes great pics easily :) :)

Jami said...

that looks like so much fun!!

Kimberly said...

Now that sounds like a fun weekend!