Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Yes, my name is
Yes, I am very
and, of course, I am a Princess!
Emery has all these cute pacifiers and the only one she will actually suck on is the last one. I found out a couple weeks ago that the "bling" is actually swarovski crystals. Emery's Aunt got her this when she was born and we thought we left it at the hospital, but it showed up about a month or so later and she (and me) love it! Fits her perfectly!
Posted by
7:06 PM
Labels: Emery
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Friday, April 25, 2008
Is that a real word? Anyway - where did this week go? Flew by, that's all I know! My baby turned 5 months old yesterday. Seriously - 5 months old already?!?! Makes me really sad when I sit and think about it, but her little personality is really starting to show and I can't wait to see it even more as she grows. She still has only rolled one way (back to front) and that is far and few between. She absolutley hates tummy time and I'm a bad mommy and don't force her to do it, I'm not too worried about it though because Teagun was the same way and he learned how to crawl just fine. Her neck is plenty strong even without doing a lot of tummy time! She loves to eat her toes and listen to her own voice. She has a smile that will melt your heart (even when you are awake with her for the third time in the middle of the night!). She just adores Teagun. It is just so amazing and fills my heart with such pride when you see how she looks at him. And he is way better at getting her to laugh than anyone else!
Oh, and since I mentioned being up in the middle of the night...guess where I am tonight? At the beautiful, historic, Davenport Hotel. After a few long sleepless nights, my WONDERFUL husband called me from work at the beginning of the week telling me not to make plans for Friday night because he had reserved me (yes, just ME!) a room at the Davenport so I could just relax, have some "me" time, and best of all - get a FULL night of sleep. I'm so excited. So I sit here on a very comfy king size bed typing this. He did meet me and we went out for a nice dinner together and then he headed home to stay with the kids. I'm looking forward to a full night of uninterrupted sleep, but will miss my babies!
(Teagun took this himself with the remote - he loves that thing!)
Have you heard that age 3 is harder than age 2? I had heard a rumor that if you didn't think age 2 was very hard, wait for age 3. This is proving to be very true for us. I swear, the day Teagun turned 3, he is the whiniest kid I have ever met. And he started talking back. What the heck is that about??? I am really hoping this is just a very short phase and is not something we will have to deal with for a whole year!
We are in the middle of remodeling our kitchen. Well, is it still technically a "remodel" when you don't change the structure of it? I guess it is more of an update. No more 70's brown appliances! We had been without a sink, dishwasher, and water in the kitchen since Sunday since our countertops were being installed. Those were finished Wednesday evening, so Trevor was able to install the sink last night. It is really hard not having a working kitchen! Now Trevor will be putting tile on the floor and backsplash and it should be done...hopefully that doesn't take too long! I will try to remember to post some pictures once it is all done.
The weather ::rolling eyes:: Seriously, it is Apr. 25th - quit snowing (even if it is only a little!) and warm up!!! I swear, this is the winter that will never end! Anyone other locals tired of this weather? I guess this weekend is supposed to be nice, so that is something to look forward too!
Well, I'm off to bed. I'm sure I will be a whole new person tomorrow having gotten a full night's sleep! :)
Posted by
5:17 PM
Labels: Emery, So I don't forget, Teagun
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Monday, April 21, 2008
Petting Farm
The mommy playgroup we belong to went to a petting farm on Friday. It was seriously soooo cold. Luckily Trevor had the day off so he could stay home with Emery or I would have possibly not even gone. But Teagun had a great time feeding the goats, getting kisses from the llamas, and riding the pony even in this freezing weather we continue to have here!
Posted by
1:05 PM
Labels: Teagun
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Just some random shots
that I don't have a specific post for, so thought I would just throw them all into one!
Teagun gave Emery some of his toys to play with - thought it was pretty cute.
Posted by
11:59 AM
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Friday, April 18, 2008
Thursday, April 17, 2008
New Rides
Both Trevor and Teagun have gotten new pick-ups recently. Trevor had a single cab pick-up that our family could not fit in, so we went and bought a four-door Toyota Tundra. It is very nice and roomy!
And Teagun got a new Puh-Puh-Power Wheels (how he says it) Ford F150 Pick-up for his birthday from us. This is the day he received it. He loves it and I'm amazed at how well he can drive it (well, after running into his dad's truck and a tree and getting yelled out - he now does pretty darn well!).
Making sure he has good music playing on the radio
Got stuck 4x'ing out in the field already
Posted by
7:43 PM
Labels: Teagun
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Birthday Party
Here are a few pictures from Teagun's birthday party.
Not liking everybody singing Happy Birthday to him.
Happy again now that the singing part is over.
He enjoyed his Birthday cake
and got lots of great presents
Posted by
3:30 PM
Labels: Teagun
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Monday, April 14, 2008
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Saturday, April 12, 2008
some nice weather! We are supposed to get up into the 60's today and possibly hit 70tomorrow. It will be short-lived though as it is supposed to drop back down to 40 or 50's next week. I took Teagun out to try to get some 3 year pictures (yes - he is going to be 3 on Monday!!!). I will share some of those later, but for now...the nice day.
Posted by
2:19 PM
Friday, April 11, 2008
Week 4
My Kids and I
Gotta love those baby thighs!
Posted by
5:20 PM
Labels: Emery, My Kids and I
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
So I don't forget
Everybody who knows me well, knows I have the worst memory. Seriously, I don't remember anything. Drives my older sister crazy! She is always saying, "You remember when..." Ummmm...nope, sorry! So I always said I was going to write down things my kids did and/or said so I would always remember. Well, I haven't been very good at that, so now I am going to start by putting them in my blog.
I will forewarn you that this is about stop reading now if you don't want to hear a poop story! :)
The other day Teagun was playing in the backyard I went out there to get him and his pants were on crooked, but I didn't really think about it and then saw this big ol' poop laying there and was like, "Zoey (our little dog) did that?!?!? Wow - that is big!" Then Trevor got home and thought the same thing and thought there was no way our dog did that, so checked Teagun's pants and there was the evidence in his underwear. He had squated down in the yard and took a big ol' poop! I'm sure he was afraid I would make him stay inside if he came in to go to the bathroom! We live on a hill so our backyard neighbors sit higher up and look directly into our backyard. I'm sure they got a nice show if anyone was looking out their back window at the time. Ahhh...the joys of toddlerhood! :)
Posted by
8:03 PM
Labels: So I don't forget, Teagun
Monday, April 7, 2008
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Bubble Bath
In the current Baby Talk magazine there is an adorable baby in a bubble bath on the cover. I, of course, wanted to try it out on Emery. I don't think I had the water high enough for the look I was really going for, but I was nervous that she was going to quickly turn her head and I would be up taking the picture and not close enough to her, so we did it with very little water. Still turned out pretty cute, I think.
and b&w version
Posted by
2:29 PM
Labels: Emery