Sunday, February 24, 2008
Friday, February 22, 2008
Jason Korb
I had the pleasure of taking some pictures for my good friend, Jason, who needed some pictures and a flyer for a gig he is going to be doing next week. Sooo...if you live in Spokane, head on down to Far West Billards next Thursday to check him out! He is great!!!
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5:06 PM
Labels: Sessions
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Super Teagun!
Every boy needs a super hero cape, right???
I think Teagun has definitely hit the jealous stage with having Emery around. I thought I got away with that too easy! He has become extremely needy and clingy lately. He wants you to carry him everywhere, be right on top of him when he does anything (goes to his bedroom, bathroom, etc.). He even told Emery yesterday, "Go away, Emery...(pause)...forever! :( I know he will come around, but this is no fun at all!!! Hopefully it passes quickly!
Posted by
4:36 PM
Labels: Teagun
Monday, February 18, 2008
Monster Jam
Yesterday Trevor and I had a "Teagun day" and took him to Monster Jam since he LOVES Monster trucks so much. I had bought the tickets even before Emery was born figuring he could use a mommy and daddy day by himself. He really enjoyed it especially considering it was right smack in the middle of naptime and that he had refused to eat anything for lunch. I even found it quite entertaining. It would have been even better in a bigger arena - the place they held it here was a little small so they didn't have very many (or big) jumps on the obstacle course they go through.
These were just taken with my old point-and-shoot camera since I didn't feel like lugging my big camera there.
Teagun is becoming quite the good photographer too - this picture was taken by him! :)
Posted by
7:59 AM
Labels: Teagun
Thursday, February 14, 2008
A little love
Happy Valentine's Day!!!
One of the "craft" projects Teagun and I did was to decorate treat bags for his friends at the daycare he used to attend. He colored, put stickers on them, and filled them with candy and then I made the little treat toppers to go on the top. The topper was a little too big for the bags, but I think they still turned out pretty cute!
We went and dropped them off there yesterday. It was the first time being back since the end of December and he picked up right where he left off - playing and protecting his girlfriend, Erianna. It was pretty cute, but made me really sad again. I have to remember that it is ok - I am getting to spend more time with him now!!!
And I thought I would share what I had made-up for Trevor. I had seen this really cool frame at a local store and loved it, but it was WAY too much money. I figured I could create something similar in Photoshop and just love how it turned out. It is 20x20 in size with a thick matboard backing. Not sure how much he is going to enjoy it, but I love it! :)
Posted by
6:20 AM
Labels: Teagun
Sunday, February 10, 2008
A few new ones
Nothing really new to blog today, but thought I would share a couple pictures I took of Emery last week.
A new favorite:
She looks so bored with me already!!! :)
And her first pair of jeans (they finally *kinda* fit)
Posted by
9:56 AM
Labels: Emery
Friday, February 8, 2008
**singing** M-er-EE LYNN
Oh, M-er-EE Lynn, M-er-EE Lynn, don't cry, M-er-EE Lynn.
I was getting ready in the bathroom the other morning and had Emery laying in the hall and she was getting bored and fussy. Next thing I know Teagun is standing over her singing that song to her. Now how cute is that??? Such a great big brother! (no, I did not have my camera with my in the bathroom - I ran and got it!). :)
Posted by
2:22 PM
Monday, February 4, 2008
My Kids
I think these are the first half-way decent pictures I have been able to get of Teagun and Emery together. Teagun doesn't care to hold her all that much and if he does, it is for a very short period, so it is hard to have the camera ready to take even one picture before he is done.
Today is my last day of maternity leave. It has gone by way too fast this time. I was one of those people who could not wait to go back to work from my maternity leave last time. Completely different story this time - not quite sure why. I think it is because Teagun is older, can talk with me, we play, etc. We are definitely not just sitting around this time around. At least I only have to go back two days a week, but even so, I am going to miss my babies those two days!
Posted by
4:06 PM
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Christmas Recap
Yes, I know I am only 6 weeks late with this!!! Sorry, I've been busy! But I am doing this post more for myself than anything since, as I mentioned before, I will be turning my blog into a hardcopy book as a keepsake since I am really bad about printing photos and keeping albums! This will be much easier for me.
You gotta love being a kid when you get to have Christmas four times! We started out a week before Christmas at my mother-in-laws house.
Then the weekend before Christmas we travelled to Montana to spend some time with Trevor's grandparents and aunt/uncle/cousins
And Emery turned 1 month old...
Then we left Montana on Christmas Eve to make it back to my parents house to celebrate with them. We even had a visit from Santa there!
And a picture of the kids in their matching Christmas jammies - I wonder how long Teagun will let me keep with this tradition???
And a family picture (I had a few to choose from and I was trying to entertain Teagun to keep still and had my mouth wide open in those. Trevor looks like he is about to fall asleep in this one, but I win out which picture to post since I am the one doing it!) :)
And finally Christmas morning.
Teagun looking a bit overwhelmed with his nice bedhead!
Teagun with his "big" present from Santa - a train table.
And Dr. Teagun himself! (if you have a 2-3 year old, I highly recommend a doctors kit - he still continually plays with this 6 weeks later and if you are a parent, you know that is a long time!)
Posted by
2:58 PM
Nothing New
Just a couple pictures to share. I am hoping to get through some editing of pictures today and get caught up here soon!
Posted by
11:17 AM