Saturday, December 29, 2007
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Mommy Guilt
Warning - no picture post...just a rambling post!
When I found out I was pregnant with Emery, I immediately felt guilty. How was this going to affect Teagun? Would he understand? etc. I loved being able to give him 100% of my attention and him getting 100% of attention from his grandparents and aunts/uncles who he adores. We had always wanted two kids, so I knew there would be a time this was going to happen, but I guess I just wasn't totally ready yet (that happens with surprises, huh???) :) Honestly, I shed a lot of tears throughout my pregnancy over this. People kept telling me that this was the best gift we could be giving him and he'd be just fine. And now a month later, I know that is the truth. He is so great with Emery and so worried about her when she cries. He likes to give her hugs and kisses and I can already tell how much she is going to adore him - her eyes seem to brighten a little whenever he comes around (or maybe she is just shocked at his noisey-ness!). Nonetheless, he hasn't missed a beat - he is still the same kid he was before Emery; fun-loving, happy, silly. And that makes mommy so happy!!!
Tomorrow is Teagun's last day at daycare and, yet again, I am having major "mommy guilt". You wouldn't think it would be that big of a deal, but he has been at the same daycare with the same teacher now since he was 10 weeks old. He loves it there (and we love it there too). He has been hanging out with a lot of the same group of kids the entire time and when you ask him "what did you do at school today?" his first response is always, "Played with Erianna, Wyatt, Michelle, Sophia, Laura, etc." He loves his friends/teachers at daycare. For those who don't know, I am going part-time after my maternity leave and will just be working 2 days a week so we have hired someone to come to the house to watch the kids those two days. I am SOOO excited to be able to spend more time with Teagun and I know it will all turn out just fine and he honestly probably will not even remember. Just like he won't remember life before Emery. So why does it have to be so hard on me then?!?!?
I will probably look back on both of these instances down the road and laugh about how guilty I felt, but man, being a mommy can be stressful!!! If only these were the most stressful instances we encounter in his life! :)
I love you, Teagun!!!!
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4:12 PM
Labels: So I don't forget
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas! I will be updating with some Christmas photos once I get a chance to download the pictures, but thought I would share a couple I took of Emery at 3 weeks. These crack me up with her expressions, but I think they are cute nonetheless (not biased or anything at all!) :)
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1:51 PM
Labels: Emery
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
We've Been ELFED!
I've seen this done in the past, but never had the time to try it out with our pictures. Too funny!
If I don't make it back here before Christmas, I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas!!!!
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1:25 PM
Monday, December 17, 2007
Monday, December 10, 2007
Quick Update
Well, today is mine and Emery's first day home together. Trevor had to go back to work today! :( It was great having him around for the past two weeks - we never have that much time together anymore...or never will again probably for a long long time! She is so good. She is still sleeping a ton, so I am hoping I can still say she is a great baby when the constant sleeping stops. We had her 2 week check-up on Friday and she has grown an inch and gained a pound (she left the hospital at 6lb 8oz and now weighs 7lbs 8oz)...she is definitely a great eater, so that didn't suprise me much. I was going to attempt to go out and run errands with her today, but now it is already 2:30 and we have to go pick-up Teagun here in about 45 minutes, so I guess that isn't going to happen. I seriously don't know where the days go lately! Here are a few more newborn picture attempts that we did last week.
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2:21 PM
Labels: Emery
Friday, December 7, 2007
A few Christmas Picture Outtakes
Here are a couple pictures I took of the kids in an attempt for pictures to use for our Christmas cards. Teagun was just being plain silly (gotta love 2.5 year olds!) or was more interested in watching SpongeBob on TV. So I just dug through my archives and used old pictures of Teagun on our card. I like these pictures of Emery, but neither of them fit into the template I am using for our cards, so thought I would share them on here instead.
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5:15 PM
Monday, December 3, 2007
It snowed quite a bit this weekend, so we took Teagun outside and did some sledding while Emery was napping (well, she pretty much naps ALL day, but that's a different story! :) ). He absolutely loved it and could not stop smiling and laughing - it was so cute. We have a pretty good hill in our front yard, but it is pretty small so I went and stood in the street and made sure no cars were coming and Trevor would push him down and he'd end up on the other side of the street. The snow has since turned to rain, so it was a good thing we got him out there this weekend. I'm sure there will be many more sledding adventures though since he had so much fun!
Jumping the curb was a bit scary!
But turned out ok!
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5:19 PM
Labels: Teagun