Boy or Girl???
I had my "big" ultra sound today. I was strong and resisted the temptation to find out. I do have to admit, though, it was much harder than with Teagun. Trevor couldn't make the appointment and I would have been super tempted if he had been there. I would have felt bad finding out without him there though, so I held strong. My youngest sister, Jaclynn, went with me to the appointment. She swears the lady referred to the baby as a "she" one time when she was talking. I don't recall ever hearing that though. This ultra sound tech was much better than the one with Teagun. She didn't even go down in that area and if the baby made any sudden movements, she was super quick to move the wand. Well, not that the one with Teagun was bad about that, but she did tell us, "Oh, don't look right now (she was checking out down there), it is really obvious!" So though we technically didn't find out, we weren't totally suprised when they told us he was a boy after I delivered him. I think that may be one of the reasons I don't want to find out again this time because I kind of felt cheated out of it last time. I'm weird like that though! :) Anyway, the new doctor's office has a 4D ultra sound machine. SOOOO COOL!!! I've seen some pictures of 4D ultra sounds before and thought they were kind of creepy-looking myself, but when it is up on the screen and you can see pretty much exactly what your baby looks like, it is so amazing. Here are a couple of the (probably creepy) 4D pictures.
So what is your guess??? Does it look like a boy or a girl??
Jaclynn said on the last picture it looks like s/he is giving the I LOVE YOU sign - I love it! :)