Hi! I'm still here!!! I have been horrible about posting lately - sorry! I have really not been in the mood to sit down and go through pictures lately (nor have I taken any new pictures of Teagun in the past week - bad mom!). So what has been going on with us this past week???
Teagun had his two year appointment on Monday. He is doing great, healthy as can be (well besides his tonsils, which we already know about). He weighs about 27 lbs and is 35 inches long. He is talking a ton too (4-5 word sentences). He's always yelling, "Mommy, where are you?" Cracks me up.
We got our patio laid and grass planted in our backyard where we filled in our pool. Once the grass comes in, I will have to post some before and after pictures. Most people can't believe we got rid of our pool when I tell them, but I honestly love it. I don't have to be two inches behind Teagun when we are playing outside and he now has this huge backyard to run around in. And my parents have a pool, so we can always go there whenever we feel like swimming.
I had the opportunity to assist Keri - a fellow photographer/mom that I actually met online - with photographing a local model. It was so much fun and such a great experience. We ran all over downtown for about 2.5 hours taking all kinds of pictures. Heather (the model) was just up for anything. I will post some of those pictures below since I have actually gone through those pictures.
I think Teagun is starting to show some signs of being ready to potty train (finally!!!). Yay! He took off his own diaper on Friday and told us he was wet and then yesterday he actually went on the potty twice!!! Yay!!! Now I have no idea what to do! This potty training stuff is hard. Maybe I should go buy some pull-ups and try those. Anyone have any tips???
And yesterday I got to meet Jeffrey Russel, who is the newborn son of my very good friend, Heather. He is so dang cute (and tiny!). They are hopefully stopping by my house today to pick up some stuff and I am going to try to steal him for a few pictures! Congratulations, John and Heather!!!
hmmm...I think that is about it. Now I'm all caught up! :)
Here are a few pictures of the model that I took: